Monday, October 3, 2011

Quick & Easy Moscato Sangria

I don't really drink, so I don't know much about alcoholic beverages, including wine. My body just can't take alcohol (it's in the genes!) and I don't like the bitterness of alcohol. So if I had to drink, I'd drink something sweet and fruity with a low alcohol percentage.
This Moscato Sangria is just perfect for me and anyone like me. It doesn't take much time to make and it goes well with many different types of food, especially seafood paella.

You can use any brand of Moscato wine, the sweeter the better.




1. Chop the fruits.
2. Put them in a jug and pour the wine.

That's it. Add some ice cubes right before serving.
If you don't like peaches or apples you can replace them with any of your favorite fruits.
You don't really need to add sugar because Moscato is very sweet.
I like to add a lot of fruits and ice cubes because they sort of make it less strong. If you want more alcohol, add some liquor (like rum).



  1. now this is refreshing...haven't had a sangria in a long time! Nice!

  2. Hi Dude, thanks for dropping by! I love Sangria, red or white :)
